These are the answers for my recently featured quiz on Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith. Every question is taken from
1.At one point in the movie Obi-Wan says "Only a Sith - " what?
-Deals in absolutes
2.Who says "You must train yourself to let go of all that you fear to lose"?
3.Who is the last character to speak in Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith?
- C3PO
4.What is the name of the Trade Federation Viceroy who meets his demise at the hands of Darth Vader?
-Nute Gunray
5.Who is the first Jedi shown being turned on by his clone troopers?
-Obi Wan Kenobi
6.Four Dark Lords Of The Sith appear in the "Star Wars" prequel trilogy. A fifth is actually mentioned. In "Revenge Of The Sith", Palpatine references a Sith legend. Who is the Sith Master Palpatine refers to?
-Darth Plagueis the Wise
That last one was a little difficult, wasn't it? Well, thanks for taking the quiz!
Don't you just love this? In case you couldn't tell, it's 12 Zerglings attacking an undefended hive cluster. I think I hate you, Zergling.
This is a most horrible situation. You're just trying to get enough minerals to build a Sunken Colony when your opponent decides to cheese it with a million Zerglings. All hopes of a fun, hard fought game diminish within seconds as you watch your buildings explode into gross looking piles on the floor. All because of those dumb Zerglings. Of course, some times you just want to add another point to your global points list, and with that I can understand. Here are some Zergling facts:
This fun little things cost 50 bucks and come two to an egg. It's an immense headache during the first 15 minutes of the game, then it becomes virtually extinct. It lives and dies a sad little life. You know, the Zerg race makes the most disgusting sounds, "like squishing a cockroach" (we pronounce it 'cock-a-roach', even though says its 'kok-roac''. Maybe it's the New York accent?).
I love this picture. The little Zergling running the final lap before its death. Somehow, it looks so happy and content with it's role in Brood War.
But what about us? What makes us select our larva and mutate into a Zergling? This desire of ours to unleash a little Zergling terror on the world is only satisfied for a little bit and then our thirst for blood must be satisfied by some other means. Say, Hydralisks, or to stretch it, Ultralisks. Ugh, those guys give me shudders.
To the otherwise neglected and underused Zergling: No, I don't hate you. You know I'll always love you, but right now (as you attack my undefended hive cluster) I just don't like you.
You know the feeling. Right after defeating 3 computers with your team mates, that awesome feeling of victory. Sweet.
And you also know this feeling, but it isn't as sweet. When you see your lines of men being attacked by your own team members! One player decides to lead a mutiny against the team and doesn't even say anything. There was no chance to get back to our bases. In fact, the 3rd computer hadn't even been eliminated yet, when my large army turned into a pool of blood and Hydralisk guts. Gross.
Of course, my surprise quickly turned to strategy as I left the game.
What better way to avoid a humiliating defeat than to leave the game before it happens? It may be cowardice, but it's my way of exacting revenge on the mutinous traitors.
Watching my Hydralisks die hurt real bad. All the time and effort put into building 187 Hydralisks, just to see them killed by your own team members is a truly sad thing. Of course, I've done my share of eliminating teammates, but when it's happening to you, it's a different story.
Here is my silent plea to all the mutinous traitors around the world : let us know before you start to kill us. Please.
Can a normal human wield a light saber?
What inspired this question, you might ask? And the answer isn't an obsession with Star Wars. It's actually because of that ridiculous TV series on Cartoon Network. With the cheesy dialogue and the stiff dueling, its a wonder they're bringing it back for a second season.
The Season Finale, which, unfortunately, we all sat down to watch, was very weird. Anakin was going on and on about Padme working too much, and he says : "This light saber is my life." Then, he gives it to her. Later, she's captured by some bounty hunters and she still has the light saber. I figured she was going to use it to kill her captors. I was met with resistance.
"Can she even use it? She's not a Jedi!" Honestly, I think a normal human can. Even though : we don't have quick reflexes like Jedi's do, so we probably wouldn't last very long in battle. A normal human would be struggling to turn the thing on while a red bullet races toward their chest at 90 miles per hour. Unlike the cheap, plastic light saber they sell at the forever 'Going out of business' KB Toy Store, you don't just push a button to release the laser. Unless you do, and then I'm sorry.
But then again, do you really need the reflexes of a Jedi Master to swing a sword around? I mean, you might be a little shaky, but I'm sure you could fend off the attacks coming from an electrocuted piece of sagging flesh. He does have 'unlimited power' though, so in the end you'll probably be fried to a crisp. That doesn't help my case so I probably shouldn't have said that.
So what do you think? Can a normal human wield a light saber? I'm sure somebody knows the answer, but in the end, the only thing we'll ever wield is some cheap plastic light saber they sell at KB Toy Store. And if we ever get a real one in our hands, let's hope we don't use it like this guy!
We're avid video gamers. We don't play the bloody, gory games but we're still avid. Games like Call of Duty and.... StarCarft. Oh, no. Can't get me started on StarCraft.
Man, this game is so incredible, and here at home we've got it set up so we can play together from different rooms. I guess we've all got our own favorite race, but mines is Zerg. The awesome power of cheesing it with a million Hydralisks. Unlimited power. Really.
Anyway, we've all got our reps; who not to attack 'cause they'll obliterate you in an instant; who to attack because you'll obliterate them in an instant....stuff like that makes multiplayer gameplay with the same players over and over so fun.
Basically, Daddy (or Jesse, we're his kids so it's kinda weird to say Jesse), any way, he ranks high up the ladder and whenever we play we're all like: oh, no, Daddy's gonna build a million Carriers and wipe us out! So we huddle in our corners and build a million Photon Cannons to no avail. It's sad, really, but we have fun all the way.
Just today, we played StarCarft,(this is a daily thing for us) and it was a free for all. I'm building up my mass force, fending off measly attacks when suddenly we see something unexpected: jesse was eliminated. jesse had left the game.
For a full minute we sat with our jaws on the floor gawking at the incredibleness of that sentence. Never before, in a free for all, had Daddy been eliminated. Jessica and I were in the living room, Priscilla, Mateo and Daddy were in seperate rooms. Jessica and I looked at each other (subsequently looking at each others screens) in pure shock. Then, I got over it and slaughtered up Mateo and Priscilla. It was really, quite fun.
After watching the replay, Daddy wasn't well defended, at all, so he kinda just died when Mateo's Lurkers came and cut up everything in his path. I guess it's kinda over the top to say this was video game history, but for us, who's history is made while playing video games, this was, indeed video game history.
I guess it goes without saying that I've never written a blog before, but it's never too late to start. Unfortunatley, I probably won't dish out anything worthwhile, but it doesn't really matter, does it?
The latest project from Newbie Entertainment(which is the name of our "company") is a movie made solely with the Call of Duty engine. We're basically using Modern Warfare, and it's gonna be a lot of work. I've been watching tutorials and stuff for film making so we can put the shots together nicely. I believe it's going to be really cool and I'll post updates about our work whenever we get them.
Well, I guess that's it. Maybe next time I'll write something of substance.