We've found the latest cool game to spend our time with: Frets on Fire.
Very similar to Guitar Hero, this music game is played on the computer, and with your keyboard!Also, it has a song editor, so we can rock out to songs that we know! As of now, Overtake You by Red is available to play, and Frontline by Pillar is almost done. Check it out!
This is a response to nativenewyorker69's post titled "De Alla Fuera".
I was thinking about what you said and I definatley have to agree, we aren't aliens and they should understand that. If we aren't the aliens, then maybe they are.
When we opened up the cafe, the people were astounded and had never seen anything like it before. Some of them never even used the internet before. Are we living in the 80s? Or have aliens crash landed in this little island from a galaxy far, far, away?
Puerto Ricans from Puerto Rico would consider us too be from "alla fuera" or from the outside. But if you think about it, who's really on the outside? With their organization and way of handling things, you can't get anything done without feeling like you're on Mars.
When I go to school, there aren't any subs for missing teachers - and teachers are missing so much, someone should report them to the police. Have you seen.....10th grade English teacher? Missing since August 2008.
I don't think anyone really knew how it was out here. Maybe this invasion happened before anyone knew anything about it. Well, the ship has landed and it isn't making a return trip. I guess we'll just have to live it ot until it's time to leave again. Unless we're the real aliens and we have to return back to our home planet, our minds blistered from the atmosphere in this planet of theirs.
I'm sorry, I have to go. My ship has just arrived.
Wait, it's over here! Come back!!!!!