Frets on Fire  

Posted by shadow15

We've found the latest cool game to spend our time with: Frets on Fire.

Very similar to Guitar Hero, this music game is played on the computer, and with your keyboard!Also, it has a song editor, so we can rock out to songs that we know! As of now, Overtake You by Red is available to play, and Frontline by Pillar is almost done. Check it out!

The True Aliens  

Posted by shadow15

This is a response to nativenewyorker69's post titled "De Alla Fuera".

I was thinking about what you said and I definatley have to agree, we aren't aliens and they should understand that. If we aren't the aliens, then maybe they are.

When we opened up the cafe, the people were astounded and had never seen anything like it before. Some of them never even used the internet before. Are we living in the 80s? Or have aliens crash landed in this little island from a galaxy far, far, away?

Puerto Ricans from Puerto Rico would consider us too be from "alla fuera" or from the outside. But if you think about it, who's really on the outside? With their organization and way of handling things, you can't get anything done without feeling like you're on Mars. 

When I go to school, there aren't any subs for missing teachers - and teachers are missing so much, someone should report them to the police. Have you seen.....10th grade English teacher? Missing since August 2008.

I don't think anyone really knew how it was out here. Maybe this invasion happened before anyone knew anything about it. Well, the ship has landed and it isn't making a return trip. I guess we'll just have to live it ot until it's time to leave again. Unless we're the real aliens and we have to return back to our home planet, our minds blistered from the atmosphere in this planet of theirs.

I'm sorry, I have to go. My ship has just arrived. 

Wait, it's over here! Come back!!!!!

Star Wars Trivia  

Posted by shadow15

These are the answers for my recently featured quiz on Star Wars : Revenge of the Sith. Every question is taken from

1.At one point in the movie Obi-Wan says "Only a Sith - " what?

-Deals in absolutes

2.Who says "You must train yourself to let go of all that you fear to lose"?

3.Who is the last character to speak in Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith?
- C3PO

What is the name of the Trade Federation Viceroy who meets his demise at the hands of Darth Vader?
-Nute Gunray

5.Who is the first Jedi shown being turned on by his clone troopers?
-Obi Wan Kenobi

Four Dark Lords Of The Sith appear in the "Star Wars" prequel trilogy. A fifth is actually mentioned. In "Revenge Of The Sith", Palpatine references a Sith legend. Who is the Sith Master Palpatine refers to?
Plagueis the Wise

That last one was a little difficult, wasn't it? Well, thanks for taking the quiz!

No, I Don't Hate You!  

Posted by shadow15

Don't you just love this? In case you couldn't tell, it's 12 Zerglings attacking an undefended hive cluster. I think I hate you, Zergling.

This is a most horrible situation. You're just trying to get enough minerals to build a Sunken Colony when your opponent decides to cheese it with a million Zerglings. All hopes of a fun, hard fought game diminish within seconds as you watch your buildings explode into gross looking piles on the floor. All because of those dumb Zerglings. Of course, some times you just want to add another point to your global points list, and with that I can understand. Here are some Zergling facts:
This fun little things cost 50 bucks and come two to an egg. It's an immense headache during the first 15 minutes of the game, then it becomes virtually extinct. It lives and dies a sad little life. You know, the Zerg race makes the most disgusting sounds, "like squishing a cockroach" (we pronounce it 'cock-a-roach', even though says its 'kok-roac''. Maybe it's the New York accent?).

I love this picture. The little Zergling running the final lap before its death. Somehow, it looks so happy and content with it's role in Brood War.

But what about us? What makes us select our larva and mutate into a Zergling? This desire of ours to unleash a little Zergling terror on the world is only satisfied for a little bit and then our thirst for blood must be satisfied by some other means. Say, Hydralisks, or to stretch it, Ultralisks. Ugh, those guys give me shudders.

To the otherwise neglected and underused Zergling: No, I don't hate you. You know I'll always love you, but right now (as you attack my undefended hive cluster) I just don't like you.

Mutiny - It's a Bad Thing  

Posted by shadow15

You know the feeling. Right after defeating 3 computers with your team mates, that awesome feeling of victory. Sweet.

And you also know this feeling, but it isn't as sweet. When you see your lines of men being attacked by your own team members! One player decides to lead a mutiny against the team and doesn't even say anything. There was no chance to get back to our bases. In fact, the 3rd computer hadn't even been eliminated yet, when my large army turned into a pool of blood and Hydralisk guts. Gross.

Of course, my surprise quickly turned to strategy as I left the game.
What better way to avoid a humiliating defeat than to leave the game before it happens? It may be cowardice, but it's my way of exacting revenge on the mutinous traitors.

Watching my Hydralisks die hurt real bad. All the time and effort put into building 187 Hydralisks, just to see them killed by your own team members is a truly sad thing. Of course, I've done my share of eliminating teammates, but when it's happening to you, it's a different story.

Here is my silent plea to all the mutinous traitors around the world : let us know before you start to kill us. Please.

My school  

Posted by shadow15

This is my school.
It's as cheesy as it looks. And those trees aren't even there anymore. And those bushes were attacked by hordes of freshmen trying to be cool. They aren't there either. I don't understand how they manage to house all the high school students in Barceloneta in this tiny place. No actually, I can understand it. With 20 kids in each class, 12 classes each grade, there isn't much to house.

Today, I think I had 3 classes. Pretty normal for me, abnormal for students in the United States. it wasn't that bad, waiting for my classes to begin in the extreme heat. Ok, maybe it is a little bad. And then, today was even better. It rained for a couple of minutes, and then it was extreme heat for the rest of the day. Terrible.

When I went to Spanish class half of the students came to class. This is a picture of them.

The majority of the students don't ever come to class. And when they do, it's just to play around and make a lot of noise. It's annoying for those of us who really want to work. Maybe I should just say its annoying for me, 'cause I'm the only one who wants to work. When they've finished horsing around, they cry to the teachers for "un proyecto". A project. Dumb projects. They ask for them, and then their parents do them. Honestly, we're in high school. You'd think their parents wouldn't do their work for them. You'd be wrong.

I think I've become an expert in waiting for a class to start. I know where to sit at what time so the sun doesn't get me and burn me up. Unfortunately, we can't even leave to eat food until lunch because they've decided to lock the gate. I think they think it stops people from cutting, but students who cut are always gonna cut, even it they can't go into town.

Today, my Biology teacher made Puerto Rican school history. She gave us work.

Cool Picture  

Posted by shadow15

I just thought this was cool and wanted to post this. I might write something again later.